Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A painful 8.5 inch wrinkle

Inspector came today (one guy for 3 inspections) and passed electrical and plumbing but not HVAC/Mechanical. Why? you say.

Well, because our condenser unit is 38" tall and on the 5' side of our house where we requested variance setback, it doesn't meet code. No structure taller than 30" can be on your footprint if you do not have 7.5' between your house and your property line. Makes sense doesn't it?

So I need to either...
a. Find a heat pump unit 30" or less in height (seems like they don't exist)
b. Move unit to back of house where we have tons of room to the property line but then are under our deck which may cause problems or
c. Apply for a new variance to allow my condenser to sit next to my house next to my neighbor's driveway

A & B are big challenges. C is a HUUUUGE time suck and will still cost $150-200. Applying for a variance means filling out paperwork, getting signatures from neighbors, going to two neighborhood meetings to plead my case, and going before the City zoning board in OCTOBER!

Not sure what I'm going to do. Talking with my HVAC guy to find out. Not the best way to get back into the swing of things. No one seems to know why 30" is the rule but I bet there's an interesting story of a neighbor doing something very stupid at around 31" that created this requirement.

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