Thursday, June 6, 2013

Finding Mr., or Mrs., Right

The Building Permit process has its own issues. Thought I'd play the innocent idiot - which I usually am - and head down to Buildings office and ask how to make the permit process as smooth as possible.

Triage is what they call it. They took me and my 8.5x11 plans and got me started. An hour or so later, I was in the system just waiting for Variance approval. Someone looked at my plans then came out and redlined everything that was a flag for them. With this info I could go back to Architect Allyson and she could refine the plans for submission.

Sounded easy enough. So I went ahead and planned my start date as Monday, June 3. Painting Plus signed on for demo, framing, and roofing. Got excited that we might actually begin and see how things would work out.

Problem is that once changes were made and plans (four 18x24 sets) were submitted, a different plan checker could come into the picture. And mine's name was Bistra. A nice enough Eastern European bred woman, with a biting sense of humor, but she had a different take on my plans, so triage wasn't much help.

She redlined a whole different set of things. So I sat there demoralized realizing that I knew not how I would get these changed again or how this would impact my plans. This was on Thursday morning before my Monday start date. Fortunately, the changes she wanted done were waaay superficial and had very little to do with the structure being built. It was more style over substance.

My wonderful friend, Sally, let me use her computer to make the alterations. After about 4 hours I was done. I sent the plans to FedEx/Kinko's and to print two copies (these 18x24 sets of 20 pages are not cheap). Next morning I would take them down to Trinity Avenue first thing. Hopefully, Bistra would see my revisions and give me a thumbs up.

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