Saturday, June 8, 2013

Saturday IT IS

Crew showed up ready to rip. They hit the house hard taking off the shingles, then breaking down the whole

roof. They stacked the old wood in three spots around the house. Turns out Pedro wants to use the wood to build horse stalls on his property in Cartersville.

So the plan is to focus on getting those floor joists in today. That way Lou can come tomorrow/Sunday and run all his electrical while crew is off. They can come in Monday morning and put down decking and throw up the walls and roof in a hurry.

They raised the new ridge and covered the whole house in blue tarps - they had me go get a 2nd. An extra $150 is worth keeping rain out of our house. Those guys worked from 9am to 9pm. Can't fault them for their work effort that's for sure.

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