Thursday, July 14, 2011

Disney Day 1700... or so it feels

Tarantino has nothing on us
1st ride of the day
So close, yet so far. 
The start of a magical day

Tea cups are mad twirly!

A classic ride... especially with Unkie Todd & Cuz Whit

Wendy, Deacon, & Giles are not far behind
Thunder Mountain Railroad was Keely's first roller coaster
Sweaty but happy to have seen the Magic Kingdom
I say Day 1700 because it just feels like we've been going forever. Three full days in the Florida heat, on hard asphalt, with 3 million folks of all nations can wear a family down. Today was the best to me. Magic Kingdom had enough rides the kids could enjoy and still enough "magic" the adults could become kids again. Space Mountain was taken on by Deacon & Whit without much fanfare. Wendy remembered it as much tamer but I say it's exactly the way it's always been - dark, rough, and fun. Classic teacups, Dumbo, & It's a Small World were hits with the kids as was Pooh. Haunted Mansion was surprisingly scary - at least the intro - and then mellows out quickly. Still, it was enough to keep Keely away for awhile. Country Bear Jamboree has not changed one lick and it's still a hit with... well, the Croatians liked it I think. Really, it was a great oasis from the pop-up thunderstorm that hit us and shut down all the rides for about a half hour. Pirates of the Caribbean were also about the same as before - cheesy animatronics - they just added a Johnny Depp pirate. Splash Mountain was awesome and easily rivals Kalihari from AK. Thunder Mountain Railroad was Keely's first coaster and she took it in stride. Deacon deferred but then regretted it I'm pretty sure.

It was a longer day as we didn't get back home until 5:30 but a new pool at the resort was just what we all needed after facing the Florida heat. A bigger water slide, zero entry shallow end, and a game of beach ball touch was the perfect end to the day. Pizza and games with a new friend named Robert were just icing on the cake.

All in all it was a great 3 days and the kids will take home a ton of memories. Just sharing the experience with their cousins made it that much more magical. Tomorrow? Not sure yet. All we know is our "apartment" at the Wyndham will be home to new memories.

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